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It's been a few minutes since we last had a key ID post, so here we go, it must be my turn...


These are used by a local hotel, but I can't find them in Davenport's book.

Does this mean they are a security section, or does anybody have any ideas as to where I could get some blanks from?




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Evva GPI, patent expired 2010. Wfu2 can do the job but be carefull in a masterkeysuite. Depending on the one who build it differences between levels/rooms can be only the profile and wfu2 will probably fit more of them. Sometimes easyentrie is the best way to go in these cases but not if you wish to sell a new mastersuite of course :D

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As a locksmith I don't think I am ever going to see a Birches rep.

But a search of the web comes up with "CharlesBirch.com" and the site will not open.



I think the site may be down at the moment. Loads of stuff down. Whats occuring? Someone stick a bob in the meter.

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