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watch batteries...??

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I hope this is not covered already,


Had a guy in who bought ALL my old watch batteries, for the silver oxide that is in them, he did not want the 2032 types but paid me £10-00 for about half the size of a coke can?

this is a real money spinner to me something that I used to 'throw away', just like the guys who buy any old key blanks and brass - I cant wait for someone to buy my old leather and rubber and plastic

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Been doing it for years with a company called star refining in London,they supply prepaid postage bags as well.


We have also had a few people in asking if they can buy our key swarf,but none have ever come back but there may be money in that as well.

We also collect peoples old brass euro cylinders when they buy a new one,then cash them in at xmas time.

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