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Gravograph M40G IQ

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Hello ,


Just got M40G IQ machine - that does cylindrical , plate , metal , rings engraving and also IMAGES


And im stuck with it now , cant do anything with images . I checked videos on gravograph it shows everything on the same software Gravograph GS6

but in there video they have like lots of functions in Toolbar and GS6 photo processing also , but in my version its just text engraving and symbols .


I will add image how it looks like . :(


Also got some misunderstanding at fonts


at this location : C:\GravoStyle6000\FONTS - i have 3 files full of fonts , but when i lunch my software i can see just fonts from my Windows fonts

and Gravograph fonts - standard ones .


While in here C:\GravoStyle6000\FONTS are the best ones and the ones that i need , but cant find how to use them and they have endings :

GII fonts has .CHR

TTF fonts has normal font enging

Vision has .vns ending


How could i open them in my GS6 ?


Also i can open Symbols , but i cant find how to open photo borders : C:\GravoStyle6000\PhotoBorders


Any help would be ex-trimly helpful

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welcome to the forum pal..where abouts are you? and where did you buy your machine from ..i should think they are the first port of call for help..seems to me that the version of software is basic which lets you use some functions but not others..if bought from gravograph direct i would have negotiated an upgraded version when buying..maybe another senior member like andy or mark be able to explain .. (as they use this software daily)..

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there are various levels of this software with options for additional font packs


if you have paid for extra font packs they will be available within software


from what you have said it sounds like you have the basic package and you will not be able to do anything with images


if you click here on your engraving screen it will give you all the details of what package you haveImage2.jpg

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Got one small question :D How to engrave on plastic ?

I have plastic that has brown Top and under the brown top if you scratch it realy hard you can see white plastic .


So how do i have to engrave to reach that white plastic ?

0.20 Diamond fraise or some other ?


Thank you for information :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep understood boss :) does that nose ( air puling machine ) collect plastic or just metal peace ? Because my is sh..t doesn't clean at all .

Anyway , when you have to engrave logo on metal - you make it vectors ( vectorize bitmap ) but how you remove square that is around your logo ? ( i need to put logo in the middle of circle .


Just like this onehttp://blogs.herald.com/.a/6a00d83451587d69e20120a5415b10970c-800wi - if i vetorize it i get square around it


Thank you .

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yes you can get rid of it..depends whcich software you use, but most have this option right click on image from list click on ungroup all then click on square and press delete.. :D ..usually machine will engrave the logo first then engrave the square around it ..when it comes to engrave the square just pause it and finish if nothing else is to be engraved otherwise set the z a bit high and miss the square out then rest the z and carry on.. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thats still a prob for me . ill post some images , maybe you will know what to do :D


if i put an jpg image into gravo 6 and sellect an image then push on vectorize i get this :









I do use Adobe Illustrator - any ideas with that ? :)


Thank you .


Ps:. i do remove that square that is around him - but vectors are still very ugly - should i use pallet and redraw it all in adobe illustrator ?

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i dont have g6 maybe someone here with g5 which is similar will heilp , but in the meant time why dont you just go ahead and engrave it but dont set the z so that cutter doesnt touch the surface..then see if the undesired square is engraved in the beginning or end of the rest of the image,,once you know this just set the z according to that..ie let the machine engrave image then press pause before it starts to engrave z and thats it..or set the z high let it go over as if it was engraving the square once done press pause and set the z and "actually" engrave the rest of image.. :D


oh and by the way by nose cone we dont mean air pulling machine..its a depth regulating aid which goes on your spindle to help engrave evenly on flexible surfaces or deals with non even beds..

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on image 3gg6 there is a blobby thing on the right with 5mm in the box

reduce this to 1mm and you will not lose so much of the image


on image 4gg6 if you hold your control button down and click on all the black and grey squares then hit colour fusion

this will merge all these colours, then click on the black square and hit ok

this should also remove the box if you only click the black square


if you end up with a box round logo

on the left of your screen there is a "square circle triangle" icon, this is the ungroup button

highlight your image hit ungroup then click off the image to de-select it then click on the box only and hit delete

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Ok thans again you all . for bubble and color and all other explanations .


But have anyone had some problems with engraving needle going up ?


Friday machine was working good - no prob .


Today i turned it on did the same like every day , but just now i don't have any tools ( im talking about that tools property - where you can select cutting frase type size )i have just default now - dont know why .


And lets say i want to engrave word - plastic or metal engraving doesn't matter . When i push on start everything starts machine goes to position and when i click start on machine to engrave it starts engraving , but it engraves in one level if i go deeper manually it stays deeper , machine doesn't go up it just engraves in the same level as the frase ending is before starting - and before it used to go up 2-3 mm every gap . now it goes 0 mm up and mess up all work .

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there is your problem with the retract


0.350 is less than half a millimetre, that's never going to lift enough


set it to 3mm for flat items and if you do round stuff set it to 6mm



i've lost my tools twice now but i've never had the failure to connect :-k

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