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Didn't know you were a Vistool user windy. Must have missed you somewhere along the line. I've added you to the list :-

I thought everybody knew about the little blue box in the bottom of the screen...... :lol: :lol:






key cabin


x minit uk


fast fix elgin



forest cobbler









and markyboy101077




arcade cobbler


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Choose a job and start it when the cutter moves to the centre position slacken of the beam clamps and drop the cutter down between the jigs the wind them together to close up on the cutter, then tighten the clamps, raise the cutter and send it home.


If you do that on mine the table is out by 2.5mm

The only way to set the table to zero was to set up the -2.5mm offset in the wizard as you mentioned. For every job that uses centre vice the offset is -2.5mm and then the table would be at zero with the work space set to top left. Never worked out why it did this, just lived with it. Our lovely new Universal is spot on! =D> =D>


Ase, My table is out too. I just drop the diamond down into the little hole in the top left hand corner and jiggle the table around until it drops in. Then when I revert back to the jaws I just reset as above.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi all


I need a bit of help

for some reason when i try to open my umarq software i get a "error timeout requesting status from vismec" window when this is deleted the software loads but will not communicate withe the engraver. when i hover over the vismec icon at the bottom of page it states connected,not show or terminate.

Thanski in advance [-o<



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  • 5 weeks later...

Purchased a vision 1624 second hand - built like a brick out house.....running Vistool 6.........


Set it up yesterday and engraved some laminate easily enough but simple as it may seem I can't work out how to change the depth of cut....can anyone point me in the right direction please?


Still got Gravo machine so will be interesting to compare software and capabilities



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Which version of the software are you using?


If it's the advanced (I have version 8 of the advanced software on my quest & hope it's the same for you) then follow the steps below:

Along the bottom of the screen, there are a number of different coloured boxes. Each of these is (or can be) set up to a different process.

On the job pictured, I have selected the engraving & clicked on the blue box (set up for plastic engraving).

Right click on the blue box & select edit process from the dialogue box (as pictured) and this will open the box in the second picture.



Now you have more parameters than you could ever need to change the depth of cut, feed rates, retract, etc.


Alternatively, if it's the 'standard' software you have on the machine, set out your job on screen, click ALT+1 and in the production dialogue box that pops up, you can set the appropriate depth of cut, chip depth, cutter speed & retract, as per image below.

Vistool Production.jpg


If your version of the software looks nothing like either of these, give us some screen shots & we'll try & remember back to when we were on v6 to get you sorted!

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Depth is how deep the engraving will be, chip depth is how deep each pass of the cutter will be.

For example, when engraving a brass plaque, I set a depth of 0.3mm & chip depth of 0.1mm so it engraves in 3 passes, helping to prolong the life of the cutter.

I also adjust the feed rate right down on brass to 0.75m/min too.


To adjust any of these settings, you need to click the little padlock icon first to unlock it, then you can tweak to your heart's delight!

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I'm on build 1354 on my Uni & 1430 on the Gem machines & have never done an update, as you say if it's working perfectly, why change it?


Perhaps xmb64 could be persuaded to come & tell us what the benefits are of updating.

I'll get in touch & see what I can do...

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Hi All,


I will have to go back in the source code notes wich will take some time. Some of the things that come to mind support for new operating systems i.e. Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1, "Z" profile function, support for USB controllers as well as serial. Most things are new third party drivers for the newer operating systems. To be quite honest I am a great believer in if it does what you want and works do not change it.



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  • 4 weeks later...

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