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Gently treading the Transponder minefield!

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Hi again all,

I guess many will be in the same boat as me on the subject of Transponder keys and Machines.I'm a little further than a couple of weeks ago thanks to all the generous responses you guys have submitted.

The next question would narrow machine-choice greatly down for me.

For all you guys who already have up-to-date machines,what Machine & Chips would you use for say the following examples:


1....2003 Fiat Punto

2....2001 Honda Accord

3....2003 Nissan Almera

4....2005 Vauxhall Vectra


These are just run-of-the-mill examples of jobs i,at the moment,have to turn down.

Again,thanks beforehand for any help.


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A transponder machine would be useless on the above vehicles, you would require a key programmer such as the AD100pro to complete those.

EDITED please restrict prices to trade section

But in response to the vehicles you have mentioned


1....2003 Fiat Punto uses id48 precoded transponder. Basically you either order key from dealer or remove fuse box and read data via eeprom, code with AD100pro (security code required)

2....2001 Honda Accord uses standard id48, use ad100pro to programme

3....2003 Nissan Almera uses id46, several options, bianchi or silca clone key, or id46 transponder key programmed with ad100pro, security code required

4....2005 Vauxhall Vectra, not all models with antitheft will accept a standard key, some have to be remote keys to reset alarm. Those that accept standard keys, several options, bianchi or silca clone key, or id46 specific transponder key programmed with ad100pro, security code required


All in all, if you dont want to invest heavily into key programming, I'd advise you have a good chat to John from SKS, as much cheaper machines such as the TRS5000 / ad900 / zedbull might give you enough coverage with out too much outlay, but if you want to do them all, be prepared for a sharp learning curve, and a heavy investment.




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This should be in trade area.


I do find the layout of this forum a little strange, as all technical & serious issues are discussed in this section, but in the trade sections its all about fantasy football & jokes??? But point taken, I forgot this area is available to all.


Sorry Pete, had'nt realised the Punto had been updated to complete job on bench,



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I do find the layout of this forum a little strange, as all technical & serious issues are discussed in this section, but in the trade sections its all about fantasy football & jokes??? But point taken, I forgot this area is available to all.


It works like this! I always wanted the forum to be a free source of information to the industry, that you didn't have to join to use (bits you can see if your logged out or not a member)


We also have parts you can only use if you have joined, mostly the fun bits or downloads.


Then because some members voiced concerns about certain "trade" sensitive information going public (prices, technical info etc) we introduced the "trade usergroup" which allows access to the trade group members only section.


To maintain the integrity of the "trade" user group you need to make a request to join the group & forward to me.


your username.

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Under the data protection act any information passed to me will be held in the strictest of confidence & will not be passed to any third parties.


this is so we can verify a trade person only is using the section & not just a member of the public whos joined the site.



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Hi Lee,


Hope you didnt think I was having a pop at the forum, as I wasnt, you have done an excellent Job.


My point was that some users post certain topics into general information that should really be 'Trade' talk, like this very topic, I feel any discussion about business should be only accessed by the trade.


I hope i havent caused offence as none was intended.




Greig :)

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