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Odour Eaters on t.v

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Great isn't it? i mean Odour Eaters on t.v - have you witnessed the advertising? i have only seen it a couple of times, lucky i guess..

But! i have had numerous customers who have seen it and we are selling lots of Odour Eaters - so many i have reordered 3 times - no problem there, but, you try and get the Odour Eaters spray - i have ordered it 3 times and each time No chance!!

why when there is an active campaign can we not get a normal line?

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Getting lots in asking the price on odoureaters, not many sales though , we sell at £3.49 , our local "Homebargins" store has them at £2.49 , nearly the same as we buy them for !.

Why are they trying to increase sales and raise "Brand Awareness" by advertising when they are pushing them out through "Price Discount" stores, we will not be topping up our stocks in future ! .

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You may remember that I was looking for new services,


I was watching an old edition of dragons den where a boffin had invented a shoe deodouriser; looks like a microwave and works with ozone gas I think


googled it and the product has made it to market £299


bid for one on Ebay, bought it for £87


not received it yet but I reckon we can charge at least £3:99 a pair especially for trainers maybe more if the weather gets hotter!


What do you think? too cheap?

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Been watching these on eBay as well , seen them go for as little as £47 , our local Gym charges £1 a go ( coin operated), Lee bought one when they first came out , so i asked him how he got on , whilst they may kill the germs they apparently do noy remove the smell , may need a quick spray with a deodouriser after use .

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googled it and the product has made it to market £299


bid for one on Ebay, bought it for £87


seen them go for as little as £47


First question is, why is a product that has such exclusive patented technology founds it way onto an auction site for give away prices?


Yes the "nano silver" technology sanatised the shoes & theoretically kills the germs that caused odors, but what I found was it rarely killed the smell, if anything it added its own smell into the mix.


Very hard to sell over the counter, because to push it you had to kind of say "your shoes smell" which was not always well received. I ended up selling mine, because the time spent selling the concept was not cost effective. However at these knock down prices it "Might" be worth giving it a go!


not received it yet but I reckon we can charge at least £3:99 a pair especially for trainers maybe more if the weather gets hotter!


What do you think? too cheap?


The problem I found was despite putting mine in the window, few customers brought in trainers & those that did thought it would be the Miracle cure to shoe odor & it isn't. The main customer base for us repairers is the shoes coming in through the door & lets be honest its only a small percentage of these that would benefit from the service. I have found it easier to sell a polishing service for the shoes I've repaired than a deodorising one.



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why do you have to make money out of this,

surely what a great way to gain repeat business just stick the smelly ones in after you repair em give em a spray and the person who lives with your smelly footed customers will insist that they use you again :)

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why do you have to make money out of this,

surely what a great way to gain repeat business just stick the smelly ones in after you repair em give em a spray and the person who lives with your smelly footed customers will insist that they use you again :)




\:D/ \:D/ \:D/

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