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Shoe Repairer Forum

Theft of key machines

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Machine theft


Member Bwells had his shop in Marske Cleveland broken into last week and had most of his key cutting equipment stolen.


The theft included the following machines. All key boards (Birch) & blanks. The utility display was also stolen along with the spare stock.

A large consignment of padlocks all keyed alike was stolen.








if anyone gets offered any of these items then please contact him.

shop 01642 497172 mobile 07900924807 or Email cobbler160@msn.com


If you wish to remain anonymous then contact me & I will forward the information.



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this is not good especially for the victim,

a few years ago the police called at my shop and advised me of a similar thing, people who had shoe repair type busnesses close to motorway junctions were being robbed not one or two either - i'm lucky to have two cctv camera's outside my shop, so luckily had no problems like this.


i would suggest lee in using your forum to report all theft of machinery etc; and hopefully catch the nice person/s who do this sort of thing and then putting off any future robberies.

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Really sorry to hear this. The most likely place for these items to turn up will be in a market or boot fair somewhere offering a cheap key cutting service.


Lets face it, the thievs knew what they were taking and probably know the earning potential which is much higher than the dodgy selling market in pubs, etc :evil:


Maybe worth tipping the old bill off with this in mind :wink:



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I just dont understand why people do this !!!


I hear Stories of vans being broken into now and then and the Good / expensive stuff being left - as the crook has no idea what they are seeing in front of them !!


I hope he was all insured at least to cover this - but I know from experience its nice getting new things replaced - BUT NEVER THE SAME !


So many people know others in the trade - in turn - hopefully will get caught ! :evil:

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