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Goodyear Stitchers

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x-minit, did you order the parts direct from the company or from a visiting engineer.


If from a visiting engineer then this could be a case of forgetfulness, a case of which we are all guilty of at times.


If direct then this post will give rise to a training need for the company involved.


It would help them to identify those needs if you could be more specific, unless you have sent them a Personal Message.

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Quite right Kieth, I am a little uneasy with the opporunity to cause lasting damage to a named company without publishing the facts. Perhaps x-minit will now enlighten us with what and who, so that chance is given to rectify the problem by those concerned.


Another question I have is, can the facts when emerging be proven or is it just "word of mouth".


A lesson for all here.

1. When giving an order put it in writing and retain a copy.

2. If telephoning the order, confirm by fax or e-mail later.

3. If you use Phone only use a diary and write down the name of the person who took the order and time of day along with what was ordered.

4. If ordering by e-mail set your options up to receive an acknowledgement of receipt.

5. If sending a written order, retain a copy.

6.If giving a verbal order to a visitor, obtain written conformation before they leave.

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As "Grinders" come under the Abrasive Wheels Act and there is a demand for some form of Grinder, why not put a device onto the finisher smooth wheel. A small tube each side of the extraction box welded or brazed in place and a table with 2 rods that locate into the tubes. You then have a rest for knives scissors shears etc. and no need for the Abrasive Wheel complience.

Come on you Engineer guys it's very simple, should have been done years ago, but then again you would be losing the sale of a Grinder.

(is there a good market for Grinders)


The tubes could have plated welded to them so we could attatch them to the Finisher with self tapping screws, even simpler that!

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I have been sharpening for years, using my finisher.

I sharpen garden shears, lawn mower blades, axes, blades, knives and scissors.


I have an old 100 grit band which I use for scissors and finer blades which I change its been used for so many years its as smooth as my chat up lines!


With experience you get the angles right, a good line in the summer months makes up for any drop in shoe repairs.



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Thats fine Lee, but with the correct angle setter marked in degrees not only does it make the job safer by having the support but you are able to do Chisels and Plane Irons, Axes etc for the building trade.


Once had a trainee cut his arm from wrist to elbow walking past a pair of garden shears set in a vice trying to undo the nut & bolt.

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With a phone call to our parts dept, it's usually quite easy to identify what type of outsole stitcher you have actually, subject to a few easy questions :wink:


well I ordered directly from your engineer about 8 months ago and am still waiting for my parts.


Keith is now looking into this, £25 donation to lee if/when sorted.

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Once had a trainee cut his arm from wrist to elbow walking past a pair of garden shears set in a vice trying to undo the nut & bolt.


Should of gone to Spec-Savers, Doh!!!!


Twas a by product of working in a confined space with not enough room for two people to pass.

Why is it that we give the customers all the room to have a dance in and then try to work in poky little holes?

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With a phone call to our parts dept, it's usually quite easy to identify what type of outsole stitcher you have actually, subject to a few easy questions :wink:


well I ordered directly from your engineer about 8 months ago and am still waiting for my parts.


Keith is now looking into this, £25 donation to lee if/when sorted.


Keith has now sorted this so a big thank you from me. THANK YOU.


Also a donation on its way to Lee.

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