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Michael last won the day on November 23 2024

Michael had the most liked content!

About Michael

  • Birthday 10/21/1974

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2000+ Poster: High rank user

2000+ Poster: High rank user (7/10)




Community Answers

  1. I have the whole SquareUp Register system as my POS system so card payments are built in. I can also take payments on my phone if I'm away from the shop. I pay a little bit more per transaction (1.75%) but that's all I pay, no machine rental etc...and I get the money next day, even over weekends. Also intergrates with Xero accounting software. https://squareup.com/gb/en/hardware/register
  2. After I've paid for my order I get the confirmation page and then it just stays on this page. The old website used to automatically go back to DB website and the basket would be empty. Now I have to go back to the website and manually delete everything from the basket. Is this just mine or is it the same for everyone?
  3. This one??? https://www.aldridgesecurity.co.uk/silca-3757-silca-apk1-to-suit-apecs-cylinders.html
  4. I’ve taken the rear wheel off, what would be the price for one of these please?
  5. What's the price of these blades now? Managed to finally get mine lose so I can remove it so really should replace it.
  6. It’s this whole bar that is slightly loose and vibrates outwards causing the wheel to hit the cover
  7. You had me doubting myself then but just double checked my emails going back months and have never had an invoice emailed as a PDF to me!
  8. CB & CousinsUK always email PDF's over but DB don't. Will have to ring them and ask, photo and upload is a PITA and so untidy, much prefer an upload, keeps my OCD in check!!
  9. Can invoices be emailed as attached PDF's? I've just moved over to Xero accounting and I want to upload and attach as many invoices as possible rather than having folders of paper ones. A lot more companies are doing this as standard now, saves me typing all the details in manually!!
  10. The whole bar is moving! I've taken the front panel off the machine and I can see two grub screws on the bar but I can't get to them to see if they are lose. Just thought I must be missing something simple.
  11. I have this machine, anyone know how to tighten the mini band scourer? When I use it the vibration makes the tension spring end move out of line after less than a minute of use!!
  12. I got mine here....https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32421389052.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.9.7792e0ZFe0ZFh9&algo_pvid=70d57233-aa3c-465a-b499-cc669621b740&algo_exp_id=70d57233-aa3c-465a-b499-cc669621b740-4&pdp_npi=4%40dis!GBP!6.50!5.53!!!8.02!6.82!%402103890117334133978084103e851e!12000022791783885!sea!UK!2794282882!ABX&curPageLogUid=UTrJykPifEML&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A
  13. I always use Bostik 6092 Neoprene for most jobs, pretty sure I've used it on these with no problems.
  14. Anyone know a supplier of these to recase a broken one please???
  15. Umarq Mastergrave (Engraving Workshop) Mr fixit wholesale Pantograph services Gravograph Mattergrave (contact Sarah Wise on here)
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