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Key Programmer...token savers "If Your Selling them Post them!"

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Oh ok, while on that subject, what does the forum think is the most useful as a backup for the mvppro? I had mine in for repair, only a loose main cable socket which I was told would be an easy fix, it took over 4 months! totally screwed me during that time so a good standby is my intention....

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Oh ok, while on that subject, what does the forum think is the most useful as a backup for the mvppro? I had mine in for repair, only a loose main cable socket which I was told would be an easy fix, it took over 4 months! totally screwed me during that time so a good standby is my intention....


Did you not ask for a loan unit while yours was repaired ?.

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certainly should have got a loan unit if out that long .


there is nothing cheap with the coverage that mvp has on it , a good back up would depend on what makes and models you are looking to cover , some china machines have some good coverage these days on later models but all still have bugs and gaps in coverage compared to the likes of mvp .


if you want good token free coverage , then you cant get better than truecode , developed and manufactured by an honest and good uk developer , affordable and its coverage works well , he doesnt release until extensively tested . the truecode coverage on nissan and renault is best on the market for reliability and ease of use , and the machine is well supported by the developer as well .

cant praise this unit enough as just does what it says it does.


truecode doesnt cover vag , but supervag is an excellent vag unit at a very fair price and has decent coverage and is also token free 


between the 2 you have alot of token free coverage on 2 legit well supported machines from reliable developers .


with china you spend your money and take your chances , some are good , some are poor and some are a liablility , obdstar , skp900 , skp1000 ,  xtool , lonsdor seem to be the general units of choice at present , each has its strengths and its weaknesses , but each is token free and cheap .

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