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image help

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i am trying to get engrave this ships crest but i am not managing to get it to convert to a decent enough standard. i am using the basic Vistool 8 software and trying to use a free trial of Corel draw to enhance the picture quality without much luck( hopeless with computers ) I have managed to convert a few other ships crests easy enough in the past but not this one. Can anyone either give me an easy set of how to instructions to enable me to do this on my own, or be able to do it for me. I would prefer to be able to do it myself in all honesty, as i will be getting asked for a few ships crests in the coming months i reckon, seeing as the boss has finally managed to get a shop opened up in Faslane Naval base.


many thanks Derek



HMS Victorious_crest.jpg

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You're never going to get anything decent from that, however good you are with Corel draw, Photoshop etc.

The file size is 4.96 kb, i.e. almost nothing.

I always tell customers that the quality of the final engraving is totally dependant on the quality of the original image we are working from.

As a rule, we always ask for 1MB minimum file size to give us enough raw data to work with. The bigger the better.


Once you have a decent file to work from, convert it to black & white, take down the levels of the yellow and orange & vistool should handle the rest in terms of tracing the image.

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Google  comes up trumps a lot of times for me with images. I searched ships crest Victorious...Images.....search tools..black & white and found this





might be better to work with.


Many thanks Gray, it worked a treat after i converted it to black & white, i had tried various google searches, a man hug just for you lol. One more thing, the image now has a box around it, how do i remove the box, i have tried explode group but it is attached to the crest and i end up deleting the crest and leaving only the ships name, how do i remove the box?

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Don't thank me thank Google...................I spend ages trying to sort out problems before I ask for help, but that's just me..........Happy to pass on my findings.............. And stop it with the man hugs................



i had spent a fair while on google too, probably helps if you put in the correct search words though, thanks again and here was me thinking you liked man hugs too :D

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