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Cobblers Choice

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There was a guy selling them on ebay for a long time 500 pairs minimum I think they worked out at 50p a pair either no vat or including vat. I got a sample i recon they would be very hard wearing but I didn't like the smell when scoured I spoke to my mate in Kendal who had also got a sample he said the same thing

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I was once offered a lot (and I mean a lot!) of Topy Strong from a repairer in the outer London area At a very good price. The sheets looked like the real thing but luckily for me I said I wanted to try a sample first....its was absolute rubbish. It smelt awful when scoured, was soft as s***, had air bubbles and finished worse than Emile Hesky. Probably the same guy who had the stuff on eBay as I know he had a lot more stuff.

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Yeah I had forgotten about that I also got a sample of the same stuff It looked like topy was printed topy But........................... I wouldn't use it even for building up!  In fairness though the Cobblers Choice mens top pieces did seem as though they were pretty reasonable quality just stank like S##T when scoured

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I would guess it's all chinese stuff.  We have tested some Chinese made materials recently and the smull and dust produced was awful!It can hang around for ages, not only is it unpleasant to smell, but as the dust is very fine it remains airbourne for too long and is a hazard in itself, buyer beware!

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