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Price Survey 2015.

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This year’s price survey is now up & running, PLEASE takes the time to fill out each section. The more answers we get the more accurate the reflection on the prices we are charging it becomes.

SHOE REPAIRS - 24 questions

KEYS - 18 questions

ENGRAVING - 13 questions (this year I've counted the digits to each question K4Mrc!)    THIS YEARS SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED


WATCH REPAIRS - 10 questions

Even since the launch of the new site, last years price survey remains the early most downloaded file to date so its important we all take the time to take part in this one!

REMEMBER TO WRITE YOUR RESULTS AS FOLLOWS £10 = 10.00 not 10, it makes it easier to collate for me! and only fill this out in POUNDS STIRLING euros, or other currencies will be ignored.

You have until the end of February to do the surveys, The results will be published at some point in March.


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working now, sorry! even this although it looks the same is an upgraded version of the old out dated survey software we was using. I've had to up grade my php version on the surver & do some giggling to get it working this morning so I'm still getting to grips.


Any other problems, I know you'll tell me!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sincere apologies for the delay in bringing you all this years price survey, over christmas  & the new year I spent much of my time with the lauch of the new site & after finally running the survey through February I have been so busy the last 2 weeks, today was the first opportunity I've had to sit down & collate the results.


So here it is! (finally)


the 2015 members price survey.




Thank you to all those who took the time to fill it out.



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