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Shoe Repairer Forum

brads or staples?

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I am needing a new gun but not sure which Is best brad or staple gun, When brad guns were first used we had a number of shoes brought In that had been repaired with brads & the heels were practicaly falling off, the brads were straight wire & no head just wondering If that Is still the case or Is It now worth using a brad gun?

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I am needing a new gun but not sure which Is best brad or staple gun, When brad guns were first used we had a number of shoes brought In that had been repaired with brads & the heels were practicaly falling off, the brads were straight wire & no head just wondering If that Is still the case or Is It now worth using a brad gun?


Brads have heads and the shafts should be slightly cut to grip inside the shoe. Headless pins tend to be auto soler but if genuine sure us used they shouldn't come away either. So guns are no problem to use now

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just remembered one advantage of a staple gun when timpson took over bsc i was sent with another relif to do a key board refit .the manager had leather soled a pair of trickers the sole was grooved then stapled in the groove,then the edge was inked covering the "metal stitches"to be honest you did have to look twice.it amazes me how resorcfull people can be

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Brads have heads and the shafts should be slightly cut to grip inside the shoe. Headless pins tend to be auto soler but if genuine sure us used they shouldn't come away either. So guns are no problem to use now


The ones I saw were not auto soler wire but much thicker like a panel pin with the head cut off, no grip. This was a long time ago but put me off for a long time. Sounds a much better prospect now.


Anyone able to reccomend a reasonable priced one (Dont think Aldi have had them for a while) also reasonable priced staple gun.


Do I use the same lengh brads as I would staples?

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It tends to be that the brads arer for mens work so longer (16 or 19mm) and the staples for ladies work so shorter (easier to drive in 12mm)


If you want a cheap gun or 2 try screwfix, brad guns are fairly universal but staple guns tend to use all different widths of staples so make sure you can get the staples easily

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Personally, I don't like staples just because I don't think they look that great. I would say brads are more aesthetically pleasing on the finished job, but that's just my opinion.

I totally agree, my preference for Brad guns would be Omer, widely available, reasonably priced and reliable :D

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