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Closing the stall

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Anyone in here successfully working from home?

I've decided to pull out of my location in a market building due to 6yrs with no break, ill health and drastically falling footfall.

Going to semi-retire and put more time into the web and weekend market (only if the sun is shining)


If its sunny.... then all go to coast or tend garden, if it raining.... they all stay in bed lol. Rising overheads are a joke.


Oh well.... I've nothing to loose (I hope)



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Well best of luck with that Rizla. We've often joked at home that we would be better getting Rhiannon out full time & me working from home ducking & diving, shes a teacher & gets 13 weeks break a year & I could then have loads of time with the family.


However reality is, who's want to spend 13 weeks with the misses :lol:


Good luck with what ever you choose to do in the future.



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Hey, thanks for all your kind words.... Really!


Don't kick me off the VOC yet Gray, I will still be useing the GEM for some time to come yet.


Graham - I used to do Hemswell some 5 yrs ago for a couple of yers and really did build up a good trade and a loyal one at that. Kind of miss it. Only went into the market at Lincoln whe I got fed up with the cold so just supposedly for 3 months but stayed there. Just got the glass display cabs to rid of or store.


Luckily, despite plea's to flog the vending trailer, I refused as that was my 'insurance' should anything go wrong. So I guess it's back to the roots. Hemswell here I come (again)

Missus say's the 360 can live in the dining room (lucky me)


So.... I't back to being mobile for me, hopefully a steadier life. Crack on with the website and edge more toward corparate stuff. Well... that's the plan lol.


Enough from me....

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I work from home and I mean work sometime 16 hours a day started at 0800 this morning and just finishing now.

Trouble is retirement means more things to do.

Edit a magazine

write for same magazine

organise a full on show

writing second book

work at least one day a week keeping my hand in

today clearing stepsons room so I can move office in there - so he can move into the bigger room and my ofice converts to an on suite shower - guess who's doing all the work.... Just channelled out 3 sockets for the new office and given up for the day

SO good luck I have never managed to stay in bed past 0630 - but I do go early 2100 -2200


stopping is what kills people you vegitate and wither away.

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