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Orthapidic shoe maker needed

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Need some help for a friend of a friend who has a son with a growing disorder, one side of his body is growing faster than the other therefor he has one foot bigger than the other, he is registerd with NHS to get shoes made but we all know the lengh of time it takes to receive special shoes....

He asked me if i could make shoes from scratch in a shorter period of time, the answer was no but i said i would try this form.


What i need gentelmen is some direction to send this man to another man/woman who can help


Being in the trade for some time I know orthapidic shoes are a mindfield, the customers needs must be assesed by a qualified specialist/doctor but if the customer has the information or the specialist/doctor can relay the information to the craftsman/shoemaker.


I did suggest buying two pairs of the same shoes one pair bigger than the other but it seems its more complicated than that.


Thanks boys :?


PS. Its a four year old boy who need the shoes.

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you need a bit more info than that before going down this road you need to find out if he needs surgical shoes or moduler shoes if its just a case of one foot being bigger than the other then he could be supplied with moduler shoes which can be supplied in a matter of days the nhs can and do supply split size shoes and extra depth shoes from a number of firms such as reeds blatchfords and county footwear my advice would be to wait for the assessment

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this can also be a very costly way for your mate to go ie home visit about £35 making the last £40 shoes about £150 upwards and as its a child then he could be needing 2 or three pair a year as there feet grow quickly

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Hi I'm willing to help if I can, have been an Orthopaedic Shoemaker for the past 20 years, if they fancy a trip to Perth no probs, or can meet half way. I don't charge for last making or home visits, I just charge a one off fee. between £350 - £550 depending whats needin done. I would have to measure feet. hope this helps.


It could be he/she needs Peidro footwear who specialise in kiddies footwear.

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