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Need A Vectorised Image of VW Campervan!!

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That looks Great.


What do you spray the hip flask with and do you need to polish after cleaning away the residue ?


i use that expensive cemark lmm600 or what ever it is called it is about £100 a can but will spray about 200 hip flasks i spray 20 at a time and keep them on the shelf then engrave while u wait it takes about 1 minute to engrave that logo then rinse under hot tap and wipe with sponge it washes straight of dry with dish towel then job complete in less than 3 minutes start to finish.


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Cheers for that craig.


I have tried it on pewter tankards and they look great but never tried on a hip flask.


Do you use Cermark on brass plates as well ? we used cermark to start with but found you could actually remove the lasering quite easily

when polishing (we used silvo wadding) had a few customers bring plates back that they had used brasso on which we had to do again.


We even slowed the laser speed to 10 and the power to 100 but still got the same problem.We eventually switched to scriptor and have not had a problem since.

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Cheers for that craig.


I have tried it on pewter tankards and they look great but never tried on a hip flask.


Do you use Cermark on brass plates as well ? we used cermark to start with but found you could actually remove the lasering quite easily

when polishing (we used silvo wadding) had a few customers bring plates back that they had used brasso on which we had to do again.


We even slowed the laser speed to 10 and the power to 100 but still got the same problem.We eventually switched to scriptor and have not had a problem since.


we are well of topic now but never mind no i still cut and fill brass plates never used scriptor where do u get it and how much is it.


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