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Had a customer in today with a Vauxhall Lazer Key which came from a tvr.


We cut the key key will go into ignation barrel and pull out ok.

But once you have started the car then you turn it off and try to pull it out it seems to stick so you need to give it a tug to get it out.

Any Idea's?????

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You can also remove the part terry refers to altogether,its only purpose is to keep some of the ignition

feeds live untill the key is removed (radio).if you remove it when turning the ignition off the barrel will

automatically pop out but it will stop any problems with the key turning.


We do 1 every couple of weeks.

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you can buy an unassembled ignition lock from nth west keys and other suppliers for about £15 which come with all wafers,which you can build back to original.some older tvr s used ym27 and hu43 keyways but the replacement ignition will do for either keyway.use a lot of these and if youre going to remove ignition lock it will cure youre problem with no come backs.hope this helps

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