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Shoe Repairer Forum

Payment up front.

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I introduced this back in February this year after getting similarly fed up.

Despite an initial sense of trepidation, remarkably many customers were very understanding & actually prefer to pay up front.

Obviously I still get some people who don't want to pay or don't have money on them.

In these cases I just take a name & phone number so I can contact them if need be.


Oh yes, within days, I went from repair shelves full, to almost all paid repairs collected on time, and more space in the shop. \:D/


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  • 2 weeks later...

Most people are ok,Ive been told most timpsons in London make people pay up front as the more money in the till the more bonus they get.


So in London customer expect to pay up front, and the ones that don't want to pay from me experiance are the ones who leave their shoes.


so dont be afraid, times are hard so we have to be.

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Guest Klazykobbler

Started doing this bcak in october. Before doing this most people werent bothered when the shoes and things would be ready. Strange that now just after paying they want know exactly when the things will be ready.

I havent been to hard on people who wont pay up front as they aint used to it yet, but there getting the idea.


Do it, wish i had ages ago



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