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Guest k@lsb

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OK so the dubbin factorys burnt down..is gozin neatsfoot oil made there as well.dk tan 100ml kiwi paste polish..............anyone no of anyone who stocks these products..always being asked for these and kiwi 50 ml paste polish.get fed up of wholesalers sending notes with discontinued etc find alternative product????????????????HEY hang on can you offer me a alternative product to the standard of the one and price i was getting untill you told me it was discontinued or burnt down.thats the question.....why is it..why why why.when the above mentioned products sell well and im sure theres more.can we not get them......i had a lady come in today.wanted neatsfoot oil went on the net .cus i had not got it.was told from a web page the factory had burnt down that makes gozin neatsfoot oil(so im presuming its the same factory that makes the 100ml neutral chelsea dubbin) and managed to buty neatsfoot oil from a diffrent company.............why cant the wholesaler source these products.so when they send there del picking note that informs you that this line is discontinued or burnt down..they can have another paragraph with,but guess what ,we dont want you to spend youre money(could be our money if we had the product you want) anyware else so we managed to source this identical great product made by a diffrent manufacture but to the same standard of youre old product..the one we now dont do......now....cus we value youre custom.and appreciate.you are trying to run a very busy buisness...and my not have all day to scouer the net for identical products......COME ON WHOLESALERS.do us all a favour in the retail trade...give us some choice..it cant be that hard to get it right.im not going to mention my wholesaler i generally use as i dont want to put coal on to a fire...but im relly getting to the point now,ware im going to start looking for diffrent companys for these diffrent products.surely.this is youre job?......its so demoralising..trying to get these products week after week and with no joy.also gents natural resin half soles..gents natural pvc sos..i dare not tell you all how long and how many times ive been waiting to get hold of these products..........BUT DONT TELL ME.the factory burnt down that made these lol.and also.u remember you used to be able to buy boxes of phillips diy glue for the customers to purchase so they can stick there own soles etc.again phillips moved to south africa.that stuffed that line up.but again i ask the wholesaler did they go out and source a alternative product..no just stopped doing it.as they could not get it out of south africa.ps it seems that the days you could get all youre products from one wholesaler are now very numbered..thus saving you time and money.thinking you can get it all in one go.........................we will see.and ps....youre all wandering which wholesaler now.well i hope the wholesalers of repair and retail products are reading this now..perhaps they may wake up...........cus you never no.someware down the line..there name could appear..not good for trade??????do they care...wait and see?62_lightning_1.gif

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k@lsb, I think we get the jist of what your saying..........just. Try using paragraphs instead of big blocks of text, and repeating yourself, burnt down burnt down burnt down, it would be easier to read and make sense of, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



You sound a tad angry :lol: :lol: :lol:



angry far from it lol........just needed to get this gripe of my chest......i feel that you the retailer.should not have to scour the net...for alternative products.surley if you are a supplier of goods, it would be in youre interest, to find a alternative product for youre customer...all seems very un profesional from there part..im just sick to deaf of week after week not getting what i want.after all its not much to ask youre supplier to have what you want.after all its there job, and in there own interest? its bad news when customers come in and say there ordering the product of the net.....ebay is trying to take alot of the high st trade and seems to be doing it.so dont say you were not warned..it will happen to you lol...and already has and you dont no it? uk900 whats a paragraph??


:P come on you guys..all get together and demand youre supplier supplies you.......... and yes i do have another supplier i can start to use.....but feel i should not have to...but when needs must.............i do...... its good to talk lol merry crimbo to you all ho ho ho

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k@lsb, I think we get the jist of what your saying..........just. Try using paragraphs instead of big blocks of text, and repeating yourself, burnt down burnt down burnt down, it would be easier to read and make sense of, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



You sound a tad angry :lol: :lol: :lol:



angry far from it lol........just needed to get this gripe of my chest......i feel that you the retailer.should not have to scour the net...for alternative products.surley if you are a supplier of goods, it would be in youre interest, to find a alternative product for youre customer...all seems very un profesional from there part..im just sick to deaf of week after week not getting what i want.after all its not much to ask youre supplier to have what you want.after all its there job, and in there own interest? its bad news when customers come in and say there ordering the product of the net.....ebay is trying to take alot of the high st trade and seems to be doing it.so dont say you were not warned..it will happen to you lol...and already has and you dont no it? uk900 whats a paragraph??


:P come on you guys..all get together and demand youre supplier supplies you.......... and yes i do have another supplier i can start to use.....but feel i should not have to...but when needs must.............i do...... its good to talk lol merry crimbo to you all ho ho ho



Have you tried the story game cus i think you would be very good at it especially on a day when you can not get dubbin cos the factory has burnt down and that same factory suplies neatsfoot oil but you can not get any of that either cos the factory burnt down i got some disney keys from a bristol company that sold me a package but now i am running out of certain ones they can not replace them yet as they have no stock so my new key display that i got from a supplier looks crap half empty, a bit like me. night night :lol: :?

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I sympathize with you k@lsb, it seems that many of the suppliers will not go that extra 2thou to fullfill your requirements.

I would expect my supplier to get Neatsfoot oil from source and can it themselves or sub contract it, it is a very common commodity, iour butchers have it even.


As for Dubbin there aint a worse product on the market, all it does is make it impossible to stick anthing that comes loose and acts as a dirt and grass magnet as it sits on top of the Leather.


Try Carrs Leather Oil it soaks in and is more user friendly.


Try Abbey Saddlery for all these products as they are big sellers in the horsey trade.

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As for Dubbin there ain't a worse product on the market, all it does is make it impossible to stick anthing that comes loose and acts as a dirt and grass magnet as it sits on top of the Leather.



=D> I couldn't agree more. BUT try telling that to a customer whos used it for years. :smt095


Yup Dubbin is pretty crap, it rots stitching & the upper in time,


People buy it as a waterproof dressing, I haven't stocked/sold a single tin in ten years.

What I stock as a waterproof dressing is Nikwax.


You do need to educate them.

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well here is a big pat on the back for SHOESTRING.....a great website, they sell dubbin lge 200ml tins and 75 ml ones..and they do SADDLE SOAP in tins as well.well done this company and a really great web site..good quality pictures and easy to navigate....................ps i sell loads of dubbin cus you guys dont lol as most people comment on the fact they cant get hold of it anyware now.........thxs for some interesting comments...and hugh....youre answers always make sense to most posts.....wisdom is not one of my great points.........and i often view youre replys to posts as constructive and factual...well done keep up the good work...ps send my cheque in the post lol :lol:

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.well done keep up the good work...ps send my cheque in the post lol :lol:


Youre getting a cup of coffee and be thankfull for that :lol:


One point I have to raise on the Website, they show the products but have they got the stock? So many times I see things of interest on the net only to find that they are out of stock, (usually underpriced to get your interest).

When they discontinue lines due to unforseen circumstances they are never quick to remove the items from listings. Shoestring could be the exception, I dont know as I've never had the pleasure of contact with them.

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