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Best buy ?

Guest Phil the Cobbler

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Best buy for me has to be my outsole stitcher, bought it off a well known cobbler from the dursley area for £500. Before I had this I used to stitch them all by hand taking about an hour and half each pair. Got my money back after about a week of use. :lol: Worst buy was a egx 300 complete waste of money for what I needed.

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My accountant sent me an Excel Worksheet that seems to do everything that Simplex books used to do. I send all my figures to her on CD each year, and it feeds directly into her software. I've been using it for four years now, and it's a lot quicker than any previous method I've used. It saves the accountant's time, which saves me money! It's also easy to update - just have to change the Week No and date each week.


I particularly like that fact that it adds up all the columns, and tells you if they don't balance - I hate adding up columns of figures!

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My Accountant comes to my shop every month does my books on his laptop then goes, Bill for last year was £400,


No worries and no stress.


He also got some cash from the nice tax people for doing my paye online.


No more worried nights trying to fill in a self assement form.


:D :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest samtheman

just read this one,

accountants are there to save you paying tax - and as hibsjo says they have book keepers who do there paye etc any one who is running a succesful busines doing there own books is just a fool -

time is money

if you think you so clever and do it yourselfs you will only be paying tax on the profit you are saving by not paying an accountant - so why waste all your spare time doing acounts wages etc - BUSY FOOL i think the proffesional term is

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Guest samtheman

i use a chartered accountant and book-keeping co, (all in one)

i send all my paperwork to them receipts - invoices - they even have a cheque book (unsigned) to which i then get a jiffy bag with all envolopes already done then i sign cheque pop into post (after i check) and a lot of my suppliers now get paid by bacs.

best thing is i used to spend time on a sunday doing all this stuff, and after years and wife complaining i discovered all i was doing was making more profit then that resulted in having 15K + tax bill!

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  • 2 weeks later...

planet uk900 Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:18 pm Post subject:




I've had the same accountant for 20 odd years, he does my vat, paye & accounts always has.


did you know how easy paye is? tax office send employer disc and it takes 5 minetes each week, so why pay acountant? easy peasy lemen squeassy me thinks

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