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Which machine and why?

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Looks like I am in demand for a change...


As you expect, we have many many customers using our machines and at times things do not go as planned. I personally make a priority of after sales service and we have invested in this area more than any others - and anyone is welcome to call me on my mobile anytime (within reason, I've got 2 little kids!).


For the story back in the 1990s I was self employed as an engraver in London so I think I understand both sides.


In any case, rest assured that we are not resting on any laurels (don't know how to spell that neither)...

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On the subject of service, the day after I left my message saying I recommend Mastergrave above Gravo, I got a call from my Gravo rep offering any help I needed with the software!

I was pleased that a) they obviously care if I'm not entirely settled with the machine, and B) that they're obviously keeping an eye on the forum!

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I have also talked to Michel and have emailed him details of my past / current situation. Hopefully we'll all get something positive out of this.


And to think all I did was look for a few pointers as to what the best buy might be.


Mountains and molehills spring to mind. But it looks as though this molehill is getting bigger each day which is without doubt a good thing for all involved.


I have to say a big thank you to Lee here as there isn't an ounce of doubt in my mind that None of us would have received the responces we are right now as a single voice in our little shops in our little towns.


Cheers Lee.





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Ahh don't think it's a member with the machine for sale. I have the basic flat work version of that machine and looked at upgrading it to the one you see on ebay... biggest restriction is the fact the machine only has a working area of 220mm x 80mm . You can move the work piece around, but that's not always easy to get right I beleive your rotation has a bigger working area .


As a matter of interest what are your dissapointments in that machine. it's another possibility on my list

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I find the machine a bit long winded to set up. I have also had quite a few software problems with it. I think this is what has knocked my confidence in it. :?


I have a little mastergrave gem which we use to do trophy plaques and pet disc's. i find this machine alot quicker to setup and use. The idea was to get rid of this have the one machine but at the moment I am keeping it.


The main reason I brought a suregrave machine was I had a wizard before. We had this for years and it was secondhand when we bought it. It wasn't pretty but never let us down and boy did it do some work. I even managed to sell it when we where finished with it. :D


I wanted a machine that was built to last and found the other engraving machines seemed to be a bit plastic... But I am wishing I knew about this forum before I made my choice.. as I could of got other peoples opinions.


I am hoping my confidence grows with the Rotation S as when we have done jobs. They have looked very good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There coming to take it away, there coming to take it away, theyve taken it away .......somat wrong with it same thing that was wrong with it 2 months ago?!!!!!

Michel to his credit is going to deal with it and has done so efficiently since UKS intervention (thanks again UK)

Anyway where am I going to put this Volume???????????????(hoping Michel can do me a deal)

Will keep you informed

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Guest chris q

i have had a universal for just over 12 months and i have to say i have found the machine fantastic. :D the software i find easy and i find mastergrave a more approachable company and it certainly knocks the spots off the old roland machine i used to have.

cheers chris

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