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Laces on a roll

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One of my special items are laces from roll. I have allmost 100 types of laces which i can make in every length.


Hi dutch cobbler, great to see you here, I'm interested about you laces on a roll, do you have a picture of your stand?



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Perhaps you could start an International service.


That's sounds intresting! I sell laces this way for over three years and every year it's getting more and more. When you try to buy (packed) laces, you often have the wrong size. This way you can help your customer allways. (If you have the right lace, offcourse)


Lee: Here's a picture of my stand with rolls:



There was also a article in the newspaper:


Sorry, it's in Dutch!



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Guest shoegirl

WOW!! that is a kick butt idea! How long did it take you to accumulate all those colors? or did you get them all at once?

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WOW!! that is a kick butt idea! How long did it take you to accumulate all those colors? or did you get them all at once?

It took three years to build this collection! Some laces are specially made for customers: the pink laces are made specially for a female-soccerteam! They allready had pink sweaters, bags and now also pink laces.

The other colors and types of laces I picked out myself.

I started with 2 rows, at this time there are 9 rows of rolls!


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I started with Ringpoint, but that was to expensive! And they only have a small collection. (In The Netherlands)

I buy my laces now bij GVS-Levenbach. That's a dutch firm. They are the agent for The Netherlands from Jaeger from Germany!

On the site from Jaeger http://www.jaeger-ttc.de/english/contact_e.htm you can find the agent for the UK! It's PBN Associates.

You have to ask for yellow rolls, because they also place the laces on big paper rolls! You prob. have to order in rolls of 100 meters! Ask for the price first, maybe it's more expensive for the UK! \:D/

The system on the wall i made myself with a curtain-system!

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Hi All

We did look into this a few years back and can supply braid and aglets and taggers to order.

The reason we did not run with the idea was for the following reasons.


Set up charge for the repairer. Tagger, aglets, dies in different sizes and the reals of braid.


The time taken to measure the length of lace x 2 and cut.


Tag 4 ends individually and then trim if not a clean finish with scissors.


A sale of laces no longer would be instant.


It was worked out that a pair of shoes took less time to repair. (depending on the job)


The opinion was that they were not prepared to make laces for customers to collect later with the risk that they would not be back to pay.


Also when we have metal tagged laces in the past the British customer has preferred the plastic tag.


It is all down to personal opinion and the type of shop and time you have to give to your lace sales and how far this would effect your profit margin.


We have over 388 different in stock laces and it may suit some rather than going for the above option to place special 1 pair orders as a customer service and charge the customer the extra for the special purchase.


Hope this helps



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Good reply but i feel that you may be missing the point Caroline, I is not about the difference in time or profit but the enormity of the eye catching display and the fact that no-one else here does it. It must be a customer magnet of some power if you had a set up like that in a central location with a very busy footfall.


Read the posts again!! we are all excited, what other product has sparked this much interest in the last 2 years of the forum?

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what other product has sparked this much interest in the last 2 years of the forum?



Indeed, this product is a good product. Offcourse it takes a little more time to make a pair of laces than to pick a pair that's ready. I timed this afternoon and it takes approx. 25 seconds to make a pair of laces from 180 cm.!

Standard laces (75cm. black cord for example) I keep still in stock.


Alright time is money, but all the (ready) laces you need to have in stock costs a lot of money also.

There are maney laces you have in stock, but sel only 1 or 2 pairs a year!

I checked out all my laces: all the laces that take more than 2 years to sel a box of 10, I don't order anymore! I can make them from the roll!


Also it's possible to make laces in strange lenghts! 250cm? no problem! 350cm? No problem! There is no brand that makes these length!

I have allready for example 9 types of black laces: there is no customer that can not succeed!


I get orders by e-mail from all around the Netherlands and also Belgium allready! I'm building a web-shop specialy for laces, but that takes a while.


Don't start with as much I have, start slowly!




P.S. I hope my English is good enough! :?

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your english is pretty impressive dutch cobbler 8) better than most of us on here in fact :lol:


i can't exactly see why it would take so long to make up a pair of laces for a customer to call back for caroline :shock: when yer quiet, you simply tag the loose ends on the rolls ready for you to use.


hugh makes a good point about this idea making folk excited, it may well be worth revisiting your original idea caroline with a fresher outlook on today's market and it's demands.


the money we lose on odd colour/size/style lace sales over the year due to space or other restrictions could quite possibly make the investment worthwhile for some of us.


cheers, rick.

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A tailor made service attracts better prices and once the word goes around town I think you would get a new bunch of lifelong customers.


Here's another offf the top of my head idea for you.

Get the tool and the lace ends and you can alter any lace you already stock. Lets say you stock 2 lenghts in every colour, just 6 of each for starters, then when you get a request for a different lenght you just cut them down and put new ends on.


Simple isn't it. :wink:

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Guest Klazykobbler

Hi John welcome


The lace idea is great ! But i think everyone has missed something you said.


The pink ones are for a ladies soccer team? A full ladies soccer team in the shop all wanting laces.


lost for words



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Hi good post about laces.........

I dont have time to make laces but get your point Hugh about eye catching display but I stock what I consider to be a wide range from Shoestring, of course your going to get someone wanting something you aint got but thats customers for you.

Caroline you are quite right I wouldnt be interested in this.

carry on!

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Hi good post about laces.........

I dont have time to make laces but get your point Hugh about eye catching display but I stock what I consider to be a wide range from Shoestring, of course your going to get someone wanting something you aint got but thats customers for you.

Caroline you are quite right I wouldnt be interested in this.

carry on!


you may be interested in my last post Hibs, ~"Hugh-Candoit "with your existing stock. "Havent got time"

Havent got time to make money???????

I'm surprised at that comment hibs. Make time. Get someone in.

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