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Power unit problem

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Hi all, I'm still in lockdown in Edinburgh but went into shop today to do some renovations, I have a power unit purchased from Siserve a few years back and I was going to use it to shape some wood I was working on,on depressing foot pedal to start machine the circuit breaker on machine for the grinding wheels/polishing section trips out,and the other motors for trimming,fan,compressor don't start either they just buzz, the only part I can get to start with a hand spin is the naumkeg motor, I did try to phone Siseve for advice but understandably they must still be on lockdown,any help would be appreciated,stay safe everyone.

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if it is not just seized as it stood still it may be the starting capacitor, If it will run either way then that will be it- I just had a motor run backwards (no on a shoe machine) and if I spun it then started it it would run forwards, changed the capacitor and bobs a monkeys auntie -but thats a wild guess by me

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@soleman2 you are on 2 phases you have a phase down. The obvious thing is there was a power cut you were unaware of but if not you need to get the supply in your shop checked. When this happens you can start the motors by pushing them but they will be damaged if you try to run them like that. Is the scouring section ok? Did you leave compressor on by mistake while you weren't there? The compressor is the only motor not through the foot pedal so is susceptible to damage if left switched on and there's a power cut. Check these if not my number is 07811333311 call any time

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Hi Peter, I turned off the mains supply recently as I was disconnecting a water heater in the basement, the scouring section below the press are still working, don't think compressor was left on as I turn off supply at the wall switch when I leave shop,will be back at shop Monday or Tuesday and if ok I will give you a call,many thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An update on power unit problem, I checked fuseboard as was suggested and found by swapping fuses about that one of the 3phase fuses had blown,replaced faulty one and machines motors ran apart from polishing section which tripped out at machine, Peter at Siserve suggested disconnecting motor and seeing if switch still tripped,did so and it didn't trip with motor disconnected,so turns out motor was faulty,ordered new motor from Siserve which arrived and fitted and all seems to be well, many thanks to Peter at Siserve and all who offered advice.

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