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Shut down Vistool if it's running

Start task manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL)

find Vismec 8 and end process if it's running, if not, all's good.

Extract files in windows explorer

Run installation

When finished right click Universal Engraving icon on desktop and go down to "Run as administrator"

All should be fine!!!


Hope this helps

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Well you could guarantee that that would happen.


The shop had been empty for 5 minutes, the boss was busy with a boot zip, and I thought " Right, now's my chance." So I shut everything down and was just about to look at extracting the files and discovering how to go about installing it, when in comes a customer "Can you do a dog tag straight away? My dog's going to the supervet tomorrow for a new hip."


So I fired it up again to do the tag. Whilst I'm doing that there's another customer "Can you repair my necklace?" The boss says "I don't know, I'll show it to Valerie. Come back in 5 minutes." By the time I'd sorted that out the boss was looking for an out of the ordinary key and there were more customers waiting. 


Fortunately once they'd all gone away it was pretty straightforward to extract and install the update, though I did wing it a bit at one point. And what do you know; I've got the A and I can change from upper to lower case! Happy Days. Wonder what else has been updated.


The only thing I've noticed is that the Auto Layout box flickers a bit when it first comes up, and it's off to once side rather than central. Should I be worried?

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