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Hey Guys,


Im wondering if anyone has had any experience with motorbike locks?


The one im working on is for a honda. Now i don't have much experience and made this clear to the guy but i said i would have a look. Basically the key they have wont start it, and the original one has been broken then lost. I was hoping some wd40 then graphite would work... after it failed I was hoping to remove the barrel and look at where the key inst matching the pins...


But i cant get the barrel out. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks in advance.


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It needs to be turned to the off position then the core will remove. The steering lock pin should retract when in the correct position.


Don't ever use WD40 anywhere near a lock, it is made for water displacement and is shite as a lubricant.


Graphite powder is ok but if you use to much you can clog the lock up, penetrating and easing oil is good but

i use the kaba lock oil or Abus PS88 oil.

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My picking skills go as far as a basic euro lock at the minute. Because this is double sided, its prob going to be a wee bit tougher, but i will give it a go :-k


If i cant crack it, how much would you charge? ( so i can tell the customer) I'm not wanting to make any money on this, just keen on learning.


Ps - i know some of the stuff im asking is probably basic, so thanks for taking the time to respond.

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what is the Year, Make, Model, and Engine size


the key code is most likely stamped by the locking bolt pin sticking out, it will be a series of letters & numbers, the code is the last 3 which is a Letter and 2 digits, but will depend on year,make, model, engine size


that key looks like a Silca HON68RBP or HON68BP used on the Metropolitan & Ruckus ( Not Big Ruckus ) scooters over here,


or it could be the Silca HON63FP / Ilco X265, it is hard to tell...




there may be an Accureader for this keyway,




some Accureader demo videos,




if it is a Metropolitan or Ruckus the key code is on the original key just below the head ( Letter + 2 digits )and is also stamped on the side of the gas cap to be seen after removal ( last 3 in series = Letter + 2 digits )

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