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Shoe Repairer Forum

Price survey 2013 - key section

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This year’s price survey is now up & running, the main topic for all the surveys is here



If you only visit this forum, here's the one you need to be doing! it only takes a few minutes so PLEASE takes the time to fill it out!


The more answers we get the more accurate the reflection on the prices we are charging it becomes.


KEYS - 18 questions


with close to 500 downloads last years survey was the most popular download to date so its important we all take the time to take part in this one!


REMEMBER TO WRITE YOUR RESULTS AS FOLLOWS £10 = 10.00 not 10, it makes it easier to collate for me! and only fill this out in POUNDS STIRLING euros, or other currencies will be ignored.


The results will be published at the beginning of January.



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Thanks to all those who took the time to fill out the price survey this year, its the most successful one to date. You can now download & adjust your prices for 2014




Or at anytime during the year from the information section of the downloads.




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nope, its a price survey, so is designed to show a broad spectrum of outlets giving a National average price. The amount of people taking part is shown for each question, you can download last years to see how many more we got this year.


I only get an ip address, so I can verify the data should the survey ever get spammed (which it hasn't to date) once I start asking specifics about a business I think it will put people off doing it. but if enough people say this is what they want I'll add the questions.



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I can't understand how or why prices should come down. If you need a key, you need a key. If you want to save money on shoes then you get them repaired etc. Our trade is almost unique in benefitting from economic downturns. Maybe it's in our head that we need to be keener on prices? I operate in a retail park and even after Xmas there are queues of traffic trying to get in to go to PC World, so there is money (or credit) out there for what people want. Car keys are a different issue though with cheap Chinese machines and certain national companies doing their best to devalue the service.

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