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Bike security

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I had a lad in earlier who wanted his new bike branded with his name and postcode. I told him to try the police station, as that's who did our bikes when we were kids. He had already and they no longer offer the service.


He wanted me to engrave the frame but there was no way I could clamp it, I thought about the seat post but this seemed pretty pointless as could easily be replaced by the thief. In the end I engraved a small plate and secured it under the frame.


Has anyone ever come to a better solution to this and does anyone else think this could be a money making opportunity here?

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Has anyone ever come to a better solution to this and does anyone else think this could be a money making opportunity here?/quote


I was asked this how to mark pushbikes - I engraved them by hand, then Laquered them - for a local school - they were very pleased, and I got some good free publicity as the press also took note.

another way is to use the very fine engraved tape (sorry I do not know the name) it is so thin it makes it hard to remove,

Just a couple of other ways -

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