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Hey guys,

In all the 10 plus years I have been a shoe repairer I have never once come across a key like this.


Im normally fairly good with keys but this one has me stumped. How could this even operate the lock??????


Its for a Spanish property, but its almost two key blanks welded together. :shock:

Secondly the key is cut different on both sides. Its A JIS key blank. :-s


take a look:







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These JIS/Cerraduras keys/locks are quite common in Spain. Especially on grills and shutters. I know my parents had a euro cylinder with this type of key on their front door until I keyed alike everything for them.


The key has two blades to engage two rows of pins. This means you can have nine pins in a fairly short cylinder. They are sold as high security, but they are pretty easy to pick!


Sorry; that's all just for info.... I have no idea where you would find a blank in the UK. They should be able to get a copy cut fairly easily back in Spain.


If it is of any use; this is a link to the manufacturer: http://www.jis.es/quienessomos/index.php?idioma=en

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A Bilock would have more cuts on the blades and would be slightly shallower and more narrow. I think they have 12 pins, rather than the 9 on the Cerraduras. There is also a considerable difference in the picking difficulty. It's a Spanish design.... made in Spain.

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