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which shop based transponder to go for ?

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I am thinking about getting a transponder machine but can't decide which sort will be the best to go for and do the most types. It needs to be shop based. I have a fast copy in one shop with an update (but no p-box) when I tell people they cost £50 each customers decide to 'make do with the one they have'. is it worth putting one in other shop if so which one??? I see nwks are running an offer with the 884.


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with the 884 you can easily churn out a key at £20 but you won't make a lot on it, but you have to field the market to the price thats right. A lot of its confidence, when I dabbled with programming I never gained the experience to be confident in it & the indecisiveness at the counter, the "let me just check" comments mean folk walk. If you can stand their & instinctively know what you can & can't do its a lot easier to sell them to the customers. The 884 is as good as any other for straight cloning.


There really isn't a bad machine out their for straight cloning. but I like the fact with the 884, you don't need the snoopy things, or have to tape transponders to keys to get extra info from the cars for ID46's you just turn the blank in the lock 3 times & its job done.



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re Cobblers and Keys ..


Mate - as far as i am concerned - Dont bother


Ive got the fully upgraded Fastcopy system,with P box /snoop etc - cut a Mitsibishi yesterday - complete refund today ! ....(works doors/ignition .....all alarms still on) .....cut Landrover last week - complete refund !...(rolling code not detected !) ....cut Vauxhall last week on a t5 nova - complete refund ! (worked all locks ,except ignition - no reason)


My mate who is an autuo locksmith told me with great wisdom - that `unless you spend big bucks and do Cryptos and provide central locking remotes and actually plug into the car with a lappy - then forget it !`...


and he`s right - T%HIS IS THE BIGGEST CON IN THE KEY CUTTING TRADE - reps promising the earth with Zed bulls / Fastcopys etc - 80% OF THE TIME YOU WILL BE GIVING A REFUND ! (if you can get anyone to pay in the first place - most walk out!)


I spent £1000 at christmas on the p-box and new keys and board - and the last 5 out of 7 keys has been a payout ! ....and yet as I cant afford the top of the range kit I have to still advertise `Chipped key cutting` as I have to attempt to make some money back !


what ever you get - make a good choice...

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Probably not, but would have told you not to do the landrover and would have told you that the vauxhall was a gold chip id40.

If the customer turned the alarm off and never set it then it shouldn't go off. Always get them to use their key without using the buttons first to see if they are happy with how it operates without them

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I would say it is well worth buying into, I have the TRS5000 with a smart box added, I always ask customers to 'try' there key first without pressing any button, even had one customer have one when his alarm went off?? And TPX1 2 and 3/4 always good.

So jump in but do not expect it to be easy, stick to the rules, and you will do them, with Timpson offering half price - even though there prices are over the top there is definite profit to be made

there are days when we easily take £200 just on car keys, and honestly have only ever refunded 2 in the last three years, but this all depends on your marketing it properly do no expect lots just because you buy a machine,

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keyline produce a 196 page car keys catalogue which I sit along side my machine, I ask the customer the Make/model/year of the vehicle read it in the machine & then back up what I've seen by checking it in the catalogue = 100% confidence in the 884.

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