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Since selling my AD900 because nobody would pay the price for car keys I'm getting 3 or 4 requests a week. Now do I say feck it or go back into it again. I sound out said customers and they say that they would pay the prices but would they or will I just be going back over old ground. If I do I'll probably go down the 884 route

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I use a Miraclone which is very good, but I probably cut about 20% of enquiries ](*,) ](*,)

But it's paid for so will take what I can.

I did think of dropping the price slowly to see where my lowest price-point is where people will start having a few more cut.

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Since selling my AD900 because nobody would pay the price for car keys I'm getting 3 or 4 requests a week.....

How many requests were you getting a week before you ditched it?


How many of those actually got their keys cut by you?


Do you really think things will have improved? Do you really think you will now convert a higher percentage of those initial enquiries? (Take a look at the Transponder Price Tantrums thread....).... The grass is always greener.... sometimes even the stuff we have already trodden on! :D


If you are going to take the plunge again; 884 is what I would choose if I was shop based...

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What's niggling away at me is I have a Silca Club JR and a Jakey Lynx which are just sitting here doing nothing..... :evil:



sell the machines if you don't use them, or get the tracer and cutter for doing multi lock keys, providing you get asked for them, i use my punto mostly for multi locks and the odd kaba blank i get asked for, took a year for the machine to pay for itself but for me it was worth it.

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