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Hi, at the moment I have the Silca RW4 & Pbox & a bianchi 883 for back up , Ive seen that the Bianchi 884 is supposed to be able to do BMW & remotes ? I did have the upgrade on the Bianchi 883 when it 1st came out but wasn,t happy having to go online to do some keys . Is there anything out there as simple to use as the RW4 but covers mote keys ?

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In my view you can't go wrong with an 884 for shop based, especially as this very week the price of the heads has dropped dramatically. for a cloner its way ahead of some of its competitors offering the volvo, BMW & Remote heads which complement its blades range. I've gone almost completely over to the keyline heads & blades now, with the exception of doing Ford 3 button remotes on the AD900. I'd love to get shot of the AD & go exclusively over to the 884 & keep hoping keyline will come up with an alternative to head to do Fords.


Easy to use, easy to upgrade, easy & understandable system, almost back to the days of the 1980's when you could give one price for everything.



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If you are looking for something that is straight forward, gives you the option to clone remotes and is good value for money then i would go for the Bianchi 884.

It will clone the majority of transponders on the market including ID46 (PH20).Because most new BMW's now use this system, rather than the rolling code means that they too can be cloned! :-)


You also have the abilty to 'clone' certain remotes and with 2 new kits available for BMW & Volvo you can clone their 'Keyless System' as well.


No internet access is required for any of these features and all software updates are free of charge.


Any horseshoes or Heads that you have for your 883 can be used on the 884.


Overall, it's value for money, range of features and simplictic operation make it a popular choice.


The 884 is in stock and available for next day delivery.




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If you are eventually intending on going furthers and programming diagnostically with an MVP then the AD900 is the one to have. As far as cloning remotes, I reckon most customers prefer genuine remotes, a lot of which are programmable without any equipment at all.


I have some TK heads and blades if you are interested, I won't be using them. The were in the shop when I took it over.

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