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why is my engraver vibrating?

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Hi All,

this may be a simple question with a simple answer but, everytime i put my universal 300 onto rotation engraving it vibrates very noisily, i have checked all the allen screws and they are all tight, is anyone else experiencing this or is it just unlucky me?

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Are you using a standard size cutter/drag diamond ? Or an extra long one ?


I don't know this machine either but on our is200's if we put a longer drag diamond in then it sticks up at the top and "wobbles" when we turn the motor on. This makes a horrible noise like what you are describing. As soon as we go back to the standard sized drag diamond everything is all o.k. again.


Might not be it but worth a try

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My best guess is that something somewhere has come loose & slowing down the spindle speed has just masked the problem.

I've been using these machines for 10 years now & they are solid as a rock & well worth the money.

Give U-Marq a call & I'm sure they will be able to help you.

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