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30 code cuts to do & 200 key tags. wanted by end of the week. Why do people leave it so late. does my tits in.



FFS Moan when you haven't got any work.... don't moan when you've got work. :roll: :roll: Put the extra hours in and shut the feck up. :lol: :lol: Money in till.

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30 code cuts to do & 200 key tags. wanted by end of the week. Why do people leave it so late. does my tits in.


dont moan its work easy work tags less than half an hour to engrave if you laser them and keysless than an hour to cut to code so why the end of the week

i offer a trade service if u are to busy


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Big day tomorrow Craig. :)..Excited?


nope having to work on my bloody day off as marky boy is delivering another new universal to another forum member on thursday so ill need two half days off this week because i dont work overtime

and ill need to give mark a big cheque to pay for the machine tomorow and remember i am a tight scotsman


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