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Womans brought in a fireproof briefcase with a broken key inside the lock. Someones sollution was to try and superglue the key back together whilst in the lock o pull the broken bit out. Now just got a superglued lock. Tried superglue remover, Doesn't work. Now trying TEKoff. any other idea's welcome.

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I assume it is locked.


Try using a soldering iron with a small tip to melt the glue,you can then use the other part of the key to open and

remove the lock.I have also had some success using a broken key extractor to scrape the glue out of the lock.


If you are lucky you can strip down the lock and remove the glue with some feather files or replace the lock if you

can find a correct match.

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Use a lighter heat lock super glue will melt have either tweezers or broken key extractor to remove snapped piece. Used this method on door locks shutter locks. Never let me down after all there can't be that much glue in briefcase lock if all goes well you'll get broken bit out if not you'll at least have tested if case I really fireproof. Ian

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