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it's to copy a key by the code number - at least you would need setting keys - ie a set of keys of which a set will have one key cut to 0 a key cut to 1 and 2 and 3 etc and you manually change the key and cut the depth, spin the key over and do the other side (two sided key of course) or you need a manual machine and a set of cards which you move the cutter and cut to a depth on the inserted cards - or a fully automated machine that you put in the blank, turn it over and grace is your transvestite uncle.

But on its own its of no use to anyone, you would be better sending me the money.....

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It is very usefull if you make a set of depth keys just for doing L & F and LAS keys.We did this before jumping

in with both feet and buying an unocode machine.


You would only need a few keys made up lf2,lf4,lf11,ls13,ls14 and you would probably make your money back

just from cutting these to code.So it could eventually pay for itself, we charge a premium of £1.75 to cut

a key to code on top of the normal price.

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