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font ID

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I don't think so, its for my sister & they've had other work done with various sentences from other companies in the past. Now they want me to do some sign writing & all I had to go from was an epos file which I've created this from. but all I have is this word to go on! :twisted:



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Thats very rude Steven, I wouldnt say he was oblique at all.



I never mentioned Lee... who's the rude one now Peter? :lol:


Sorry Lee, not a font I recognise at all.

Edit the font to remove the black shadow, then you can go to: http://new.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/

to see if it recognises it (doesn't work as it is as the letters run into each other)

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I did separate the letters, but still no exact match, just the stumpy font thats close, but even this I can't find without paying for it & we wouldn't want to do that now would we!




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