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struggling with cermarking highly polished brass?

some say it cant be done others say yes it can be done?

i wipe my brass with thinners to clean

leave to dry then spray CERMARK on evenly and leave to dry

usually lasering within 20=30 mins

laser is 30 watt so power is 100 and speed is 10?

what am i doing wrong

any help much appreciated

carry on!

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We had the very same problem with cermark.Are you using the paste or spray ?


We have a gravograph ls100 laser and we use scriptor spray (which is cheaper by the way),we dont clean the surface just remove

protective coating then apply a thin coat.Whenever possible we do this outside and leave to dry for about 5 mins,then engrave.

We then wash the remaing scriptor off with water,dry with kithchen roll then spray again and re-laser just to be sure.


Using this method we haven't had any problems.


We then finish using silvo wadding to polish.


From memory scriptor is about £70.00 a tin from gravograph.

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mastergrave for black jewellers brass

gravo do it too,they call it gravometal


it's only like .5mm thick so you can guilloteen it


i waz away the background leaving the letters and a small black border around the edge

trim off border then gently buff up with silvo

screw it on a wood mount, job done


i use it quite a lot as people tend to shy away from the price of a chunky brass sign here

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looked at it quite a few times in the book but never tried it


will add a sheet to my list next time i order summit and give it a go


i did get a weeny sample of the cermark tape a while back, like real weeny. like one small word weeny test weeny

so bloody expensive for a roll though, [-X

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I gave up on trying to durably Cermark brass, aluminum and pewter long ago. When given all of the choices, most of my customers have preferred the look of black laser sublimation on clear coated brass. It's even a notch above oxidized leaded brass in my opinion, especially when it comes to working with graphics.

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