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Essex Police Badge

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Does anyone have the Essex Police Badge in engraveable format please.

I've downloaded the .ai file from Brands of the world but it is from a newer version of AI than mine and is no good for me.

Could anyone open it in a newer version of AI and save it so it is compatible with my older version (cs) and then post it up.


Many Thanks in advance :wink: =D> =D>

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Hiya Michael,


I don't know if all police badges are the same apart from the lettering, but I have the North Wales Police Badge in Vistool,.. which I think you have, maybe with a bit of jiggery pokery you could alter it. I've had a look and the basic outline seems the same apart from the wording and the swords in the middle. I could send you the one I have and you could explode it and have a fiddle about with it

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