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November 2009 - Price Survey

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2009/10 Shoe Repairer Forum price survey.


Our annual survey is the most comprehensive price survey carried out within the industry, Please take the time to fill out this years questionnaire. If there's a service or price you are unsure of please move onto the next question with out answering.


Following some reliability issues with the old software throwing back errors for some users we are using a completely new setup this year, if anyone has problems using it or errors please let me know so I can make any necessary adjustments.



SHOE REPAIR (23 Questions)


ENGRAVING (12 Questions)


KEY CUTTING (20 Questions)


WATCH REPAIRS (10 Questions)


The results will be averaged out early December for publication in the downloads section shortly before Christmas.


Last Years Survey can be downloaded here



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First off all thank you to all those members who took the time to fill out this year’s price survey.




This year was quite a bit more successful than previous years, with the addition of the question asking what currency you were using! This might have had a bearing on the previous year results as I hadn’t given consideration to this before


Sadly there weren’t enough results for the additional results to make individual currency averages but we had


2 x US dollar

4 x Euro

1 x New Zealand dollar

1 x Yen


It’s interesting to see that the majority of prices have fallen significantly since last year, perhaps because of the recession?


Anyway the price survey for this year is now available in the downloads section via this link.

http://www.shoerepairer.info/index.php? ... w&iden=229




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Well Done Lee for compiling the survey. I was gobsmacked to see a lot of prices have dropped since last year. I haven't lowered my prices this year and was set for my own price review over the holiday, with perhaps the odd increase in some repairs. I appreciate that the prices quoted are averages, but this is the annual price on which I base my prices on. Hmm, serious thought over the festive break for me.

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Well Done Lee for compiling the survey. I was gobsmacked to see a lot of prices have dropped since last year. I haven't lowered my prices this year and was set for my own price review over the holiday, with perhaps the odd increase in some repairs. I appreciate that the prices quoted are averages, but this is the annual price on which I base my prices on. Hmm, serious thought over the festive break for me.



If you're not having problems getting your prices, don't change them!

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I too was surprised that I was charging more than most of the prices in the survey.

Like alxfer, I'm planning a price review over the holiday & will continue to do so.

Over the past couple of years many material prices have increased markedly, much more than I've put my prices up by, so a review is definitely in order. Just because I'm currently charging more than the average, doesn't mean I'm charging too much.


And as a rule of thumb, I have always reckoned that if you don't get a few people complaining that you're charging too much (not more than one a week on average...) then you're not charging enough!


I'll now hide in my bunker & wait for feedback on the last comment :lol: :lol: :lol:

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fcuk it, Lees made a cock up! I have removed the download! I divided the total amounts (at least in the shoe repair section, I haven't had time to check the others) by the total amount of people who filled them out & not per currency so if 8 out of ten replied in £ I added the eight results then divided them by 10.


Lee wins the :buff: of the year award.


I'll update it asap. Sometimes, just sometimes I hate this site.....



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fcuk it, Lees made a cock up! I have removed the download! I divided the total amounts (at least in the shoe repair section, I haven't had time to check the others) by the total amount of people who filled them out & not per currency so if 8 out of ten replied in £ I added the eight results then divided them by 10.


Lee wins the :buff: of the year award.


I'll update it asap. Sometimes, just sometimes I hate this site.....



:buff: :buff: :buff: :buff: :buff: :buff: :smt043 :smt043 :smt043 :smt046 :smt046

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