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How to Value Trophies

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I have a customer who needs some trophies valued. Most are silver going back to 1901 not the usal rubbish. His insurance company is asking for this.


He has beem to a jewellers but they said all they could do is give him a price for the silver.


Any Idea's?

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you could at least give a value for the engraving, but I would have thought an antique dealer or auction house is better qualified to give the actual item a valuation. it could be that two values are required to make the estimate.



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:smt100 oh my giddy aunt......save yourself Danny.... run.... run I tell you.



in hindsight, get them to take pictures and measurements and feel free to use my step by step technique as outlined below


1. flick through swatkins book

2. point to a cup with eyes firmly closed (no peeping)

3. take price of randomly selected award

4. times said price by 300

5. wait a couple of weeks (during this fortnight, scribble lots of numbers and sums onto scrap of paper. sketches of cups will help at this stage too)

6. request customer visits your good self

7. value trophies, making sure you refer to your manic scribblings

8. smile when customer says "cheers mate" and leaves your establishment

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I send cups to Swatkins for repair
sorry to high jack the topic, what kind of repairs do Swatkins offer?


Customer was back in today, They have over 300 of them :(


It looks like alot of time taking pics etc, He is now mumbling about me doing it for free :(


Not sure if I want to continue with it ](*,)


Lets face it Danny, NO ONE is going to value 300 trophies for free! get a system for valuing them together (using 3rd parties & your own skills) then charge them £10 a trophy + Costs, if their insurance company is requiring it, what choice have they got?



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i've used swatkins in the past. they can do stem breaks, handle repairs and re-plating.


they can also remove old engraving and re-plate. comes back like new.


now i use raven silverware in sheffield. they offer the same service, they are very good too. you can describe over the phone height of cup and repairs needed and they can give you a guesstimate that is never far off the mark. (cheaper too) :-$

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