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Whilst free is good, if you have the time and equipment make your own - a nice crisp poster on a good colour printer can work wonders and you can change them every so often so regulars do not get bored.

I used to place posters in the window - some offering special deals - some advising on simple security measures - new lines etc.

lots of people stopped to read them when the were new.

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I think last year cuttingedge put so much time & money into the cycling challenge & raising publicity for the industry that there wasn't much left in the pot for a run of posters.


I will raise it at the next meeting I attend.



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LBS have supplied me with some good posters and window stickers advertising watch batteries and straps. I swapped to them a couple of months ago and have found them very helpful.


I know it doesn't help with POS for shoes / keys but it all helps, and lets face it the mark up watch batteries isn't all bad.

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I can only go on my experience of them. I have had 2 lots of POS of them in the last couple of months.


They were also very helpful when I switched to them. I bought a stand and 250 straps to fill it and staggered the payments over 3 months. It was very helpful as I was refurbishing my shop at the time (hence new stand) and had a lot of outgoings all at once.

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