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Autograph pens

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had a representative call this week from 'Autograph pens'

he had made the appointment previously, afeter a recommendation from a colleague who sells these and does very well with them.

any how he called - showed me the pens, to which i was very impressed - so impressed in fact i put an order in for around £400-00, with engravable pens and gift pens that cant be engraved

now all seemed well, awaited the order!

yesterday i recieved a call from the rep, stating that the jeweller in my town put in a complaint that they did not want me to sell the pens and they did not want to 'upset' him! even though he didn't sell many!

i have had this before with trophy suppliers, and find it very frustrating especially as he made the appointment with me! then i spent about an hour with him!

no problem to me because i can order the Autograph pens thru a friend in another town - so although i will have to go over the catalougue again and pick them up - will be getting them anyhow.

i wish that all these suppliers would wake up and stop this 'old' mentality of selling!

and, make sure they are selling to retailers and not 'joe' public. but trying to make there product 'special' - there the jokers!!

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Not 100% sure on this one & would have to investigate further but I believe this one falls under the

Competition Act 1998

The role of competition act is to prevent anti-competitive business practices and to protect

consumers and businesses from the harmful effects of such behaviour.


I also believe the Office of fair trading are the people to speak to.



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