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Shoe Repairer Forum

pederson 309

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hi dude,


we supply parts for pedersens, the table is the same throughout the range. my guess is pringles get them from the same place as us and although the price may seem silly we cannot get them any cheaper. as for £100 this is nowhere near the price unfortunately. as planet said sometimes a good engineer can repair them if it is the front part that is worn away. if you want a silly price from us as well give us a call - 0116 271 7152 or pm me




p.s. we also have a few spares for the 309 but not many as they are very rare - production of the 309 stopped many decades ago.

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You can get them welded with Bucket Tip Welding rods Used to weld on the digger teeth for earth moving equip and in the mining industry.

You wont wear that out in a hurry, should last 4 times longer than the original.

Brazing is a cheap option and can be done many times as it wears down.


Has the front surface broke through or is it just worn?

You could also have a piece of High tensile or stainless steel brazed onto it to replace the worn area.


Or buy a new one and have the old one done up as a spare.

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do you want me to check our stock and come back to you with a best price delivered? im sure we have them in stock and they are genuine.



ok peter, PM me your bestest price,


i'm sure you can beat pringles price by a considerable margin :wink: and remember....


i'm SCOTTISH.... :lol:

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