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HI everyone, im in the process of setting up a key cutting machine business, i have 6 years experience with working in a locksmiths and have decided to go it alone! i have sourced a couple of keys machines but im struggling to find key blank suppliers, i have found sks but as i dont have a business account setup yet i cant get prices :? i dont really want to go ahead with anything until i can make sure it will be worth while and price everything up.


if anybody can help with websites/suppliers where i can get a estimate price that woudl be great.


Thanks for your time and sorry for the essay :oops:

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i get 95% off all my keys from sks i prefer them as i have only had good fast service from them and i use their key boards with their codes so ordering is easier. north west keys is also very good try nwkeys.co.uk.

i personaly do not like davenports but you could give them a try they do seem to be the prefered supplier of keys to most members on this form and ex timpson employees as they are used to hd codes.

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thanks for all the help i shall try out the suggestions, im used to silca blanks out of the above suppliers who does them? i know city safe do.



nwkeys do silca blanks but you should decide which supplier you want to use and order boards and stock. and stick to that supplier except for specials elsewhere and stock that you cant get them. For example i use jma boards and keys and it is easy to make an order and have a list of jma codes and yes you could give that to hd which i done once by mistake. They did a good job cross referenced all the keys into hd codes and sent out then i am sitting with a box of mainly brass keys with hd codes that will take me about 4 times as long to work out where they go on my board.

birch do boards

sks boards ( i can recomend these )

nw keys do silca boards

davenport do hd boards

key print ( In Edinburgh i think it is silca keys and boards they use )

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They did a good job cross referenced all the keys into hd codes and sent out then i am sitting with a box of mainly brass keys with hd codes that will take me about 4 times as long to work out where they go on my board.


One point to mention is our ordering system will provide you with the codes that you've ordered on the delivery note and packet, so if you do get someone else's boards, you can still get keys from us and know where they go.

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I use SKS and I can recommend them. Their rep calls every 5-6 weeks and I usually place an order then, as he does most of the work! He's also very knowledgable and gets me out of all sorts of sticky situations.

If I need a special key SKS send it out without any fuss or delay and of course they stock all sorts of related items as well. I can do better pricewise at my local cash & carry for a few items, such as keyfobs and I tend to get locks & things from Centurion, unless I want the better brands.

I had no trouble setting up an account with SKS. I paid the first couple of invoices pro forma until the account was set up, and that was not half as complicated as some suppliers make it.

Also, SKS stock JMA blanks, who make most of the world's keys (well, Europe, anyway), so it's rare that they can't find a match. I used to use Keyosk but their range was much more limited. SKS are also very competitive on price if you can buy in bulk.

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E. Aldridge & Son hasn't been mentioned yet, unless I overlooked that.


08444 125 101, London based, near the City


They sell mainly Silca blanks at reasonable prices. For very large quantities HD tends to be more flexible with the price.


Best wishes,



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