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Sounds interesting!!!!


Any chance of a picture shoing the detail?


Hope you did not nick it from a well known company still in existance in other countries. UK900 has admitted theft on an internation site,, could he be prostituted by Tel or Minit ?


I can just see UK90s new service addition.

MAILBAGS SEWN WHILE-U-WAIT. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hey Hugh, Mr Minit gained more from me than a poxy hammer,

I learn't countless members of staff to hand engrave, Repair shoes Etc..


I was glad to get away from them.I worked on their heel bars.

I was so depressed I thought I'd leave and steel a hammer :shock:


Still got it :twisted: Biggest cowboy firm on the planet. :smt006 Good riddence I say :wink:

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I'm sad to see any competition go. It would be a sorry day for the customer if this happened to all opposition nationally.


Very poor or atrocious service in some respects can only benefit the guy doing a good job. We need poor service to highlight our good service otherwise how would the customers know the difference.


You as a company provide a very good service but I doubt if the standards would be the same if there was no competition in the region.

(probably would because of your dedication but you know where I'm coming from).


There is a danger though that the customer could see shoddy work as the norm for the industry and get put off for life, so maybe it is better that the inferior standard shops get closed down!! A contradiction on my part but who is to say what is the right path to follow, but nicking tools dont help, only causes more problems when the bloke taking over finds he aint got the tools to do the job.


If I was in charge of a company with more than 1 shop I would get everyone to sign for tools and have them produce those signed for upon leaving, loose them and you have to buy your own. Probably no one would work for me cos I'd be the bastard from hell. :lol:

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