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Shoe Repairer Forum

How to bring back the color of blue Adidas seely shoes

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Hi everyone,

So i wear this shoe for 6 months
and i'm used to clean it from dust using a wet brush
Now it's totally faded, when i searched in the internet i found that's not good to use water on fabric shoes, so it's clearly the result of my bad habit, i had also washed it all using just water and nothing changes.
I took a picture of my shoe so you can see how it does looks like, and i hope if there's a solution, they told me to try to re-dye it but the problem that i can't find the right product and color, the only available color is black, so please if you have a solution please tell me what to do, i love this pairs of shoes !




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You have washed the dye out. You can buy it yourself or if you take it to a local shoe repairer, they should be able to do it for you

Oh okay thanks, and what if didn't find blue dye is it okay if i turned it into black ? and what should i avoid after ? protection + never use water or any sorte of liquide that's it ? 

and thank's for your fast reply

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