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A record on a tray

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I'd be interested to know if any of you have come up with an ingenious way to hold a Chippendale style tray, so that you can engrave an annual record somewhere around the edge. 


Or, come to that, a footed tray. The feet are always in the wrong place.


Or even a completely round tray, when you need to line your entry up underneath a whole list of others, and get it straight. 


This is a perpetual time wasting problem, and one of the main reasons that we charge so much more for putting a yearly record on a tray than we do for anything else.


I cannot be the only one who gets them in.



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It's a universal 300. 


Holding a chippendale tray and engraving something in the middle isn't an issue, it's when they come back year after year for an annual record to be added to the ring of records around the edge. Because a chippendale tray has such an uneven edge it's often difficult to line it up when you've got it turned round 30 degrees from true.


I'm just hoping that one of you geniuses has come up with a different means of holding them. 


I'd rather do a cup any day.

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