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Howdy Folks,


one of our members in Canada is in need of some help,


would you folks know if Silca EU17 is the proper blank for the GIVI Security locks , (high security sidewinder key)


or what the proper blank may be,


I still cannot seem to attatch photos so here are 2  links with photos of the cut keys and locks


also would like to know if any of the codes are published, as I do not find them in Instacode, Genericode or Blackhawk Codes On Line,


also would like to know if anyone has the space and depth specifications for these, there appears to be 9 wafers, more if it were not a breakaway plug


code series appears to be 0001GI  through  ?????GI


the one here is code # 4667GI


Thanking You In Advance









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On 8/7/2015 at 6:16 PM, Growster said:

Some Givi keys worked with the Thule codes for roof boxes. That's for codes up to 200. Noticed that from a few Givi pics received from customers.

Those Givi codes 001-200 will ONLY WORK on the Givi Z140r range of locks. They do another range with the exact same key shape and head colour with codes 001-200 but the bitting is totally different.


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