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maybe some help, just a quick Google search, probably more as well


lift or push down wafer retainer depending on locks position



at 14:30 you can see the retainer wafer is open ended, so you need to catch it just right to move it, at 15:34 + minutes,  see location of wafer retainer





more info and photos, apparently the different  ones all have a poke hole to depress the wafer retainer



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if you cannot get to the retainer poke hole,


basicly make a tool like the one on the left, or simaler, as a T shape may work better instead of a triangle, it will need to be slightly wider then the key blades width / thickness to catch & twist


insert into plug to retainer depth/diatance, twist to catch both sides of the open retainer and move it up if it is on the bottom and pull the plug out

retainer pusher0003.jpg

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